Elden Ring enthusiasts are once again working themselves into a fervor over the tiniest of clues, this time stemming from a seemingly inconspicuous Steam database update. The anticipated Shadow of the Erdtree DLC release date remains elusive, despite fans grasping at any available straws.

A recent Steam update revealed a new DLC app identification number added to Elden Ring, suggesting that FromSoftware is gearing up to list Shadows of the Erdtree on the store page. While more credible than some previous speculations, it still stands on thin ice. Elden Ring aficionados wasted no time concocting theories, with some predicting an announcement during an upcoming Xbox Developer Direct.

The logic isn’t entirely unfounded, considering Elden Ring was initially unveiled at Microsoft’s Xbox E3 2019 press conference. However, expectations are tempered by the fact that the Xbox event appears to be primarily focused on games published by Microsoft, whose lineup has already been disclosed.

Despite the speculative nature of the clues, Elden Ring fans are convinced that a significant announcement is imminent. Soulslike YouTuber Ziostorm drew parallels to Dark Souls 2 and 3, noting that their Steam pages were updated around two months before DLC announcements. However, it’s been more than a day since the Elden Ring update, and the silence from FromSoftware is deafening.

A Reddit user humorously referenced the “Chapel of Anticipation,” alluding to the name of the opening area, expressing skepticism and a sense of déjà vu. In a thread with over 500 comments, someone even joked about finding DLC details in Taylor Swift’s song “Ivy,” suggesting that the pop star might have known the release date two years prior to the game’s launch.

While excitement runs high on various platforms, with gifs and videos flooding forums, the official word from producer Yasuhiro Kitao in December indicated that Shadow of the Erdtree is “a little ways off, but progress is going well.” With no hint at the Game Awards, the likelihood of an imminent announcement remains uncertain. Until FromSoftware breaks the silence, fans will have to exercise patience and control their anticipation.

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